Events and Jams during a Pandemic

Events and Jams during a Pandemic

The situation with COVID has affected parkour training in many ways over 2020, and will continue to do so into 2021. But most noticeably – there has been a lack of community events and jams.

We believe that community events and jams are an important part of parkour for a number of reasons:

  • It provides a sense of community.

  • It brings people together.

  • It is an opportunity to share ideas and challenges with each other.

  • It is a chance to support each other to overcome challenges.

How have communities adapted?

The main restriction of the pandemic has been the lack of travel and also the inability to meet in large groups in person.

But how can we still get the benefits of community events and jams?

We have seen different communities being creative in using technology to continue the benefits of events and jams. We have highlighted a few of the approaches that we have seen in this post.